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时间:2017-12-29 15:45 作者: 来源: 浏览次数:




1)Duan TT, Luo YP , Kong CY, Gao XD, Zhao X, Gang Gao. Gene expression profile of Ralstonia Solanacearum for the rhizosphere ecological niche of Solanum tuberosum.Journal of Phytopathology, 2017, DOI: 10.1111/jph.12671.   

2)Gao L, Li Y, Shen Z , Han R. Responses of He-Ne laser on agronomic traits and the crosstalk between UVR8 signaling and PhytochromeB signaling pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana subjected to supplementary Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) stress.Protoplasma, 2017,DOI: 10.1007/s00709-017-1184-y.   

3)Li k, Yang YJ, Mao L, Zhang JH, Geng JX, Yin H. Morphology and fine organization of the spermatheca of Haplotropis brunneriana (Orthoptera: Pamphagidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 2017,61:323–329.   

4)He J, Shengnan Wang SN, Li J, Fan ZL, Liu L, Wang YL. Genetic differentiation and spatiotemporal history of diploidy and tetraploidy of Clintonia udensis. Ecology and Evolution, 2017,7:10243–10251.   

5)Zhang Q, Xu JG.. Determining the geographical origin of common buckwheat from China by multivariate analysis based on mineral elements, amino acids and vitamins.Scientific Reports,2017, 7: 9696   

6)Li YF,Gao LM,Han R.He-Ne laser illumination ameliorates photochemical impairment in Ultraviolet-B stressed-wheat seedlings via detoxifuing ROS cytotoxicity.Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2017, 64(5):766-775   

7)Hu QP, Cao XM, Hao DL, Zhang LL. Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, DNA Damage Protective, Cytotoxic and Antibacterial Activities of Cyperus rotundus Rhizomes Essential Oil against Foodborne Pathogens,Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 45231.   

8)Gao LM, Li YF, Han R, The detoxification effects of He-Ne laser irradiation on cytotoxicity of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles (CdSNPs) in tall fescue seedlings. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2016, 96 (4) :539-550   

9)Gao LM, Han R, Cell wall reconstruction and DNA damage repair play a key role in the improved salt tolerance effects of He-Ne laser irradiation in tall fescue seedlings.Bioscience Biotechnology & Biochemistry,2016, 80(4):682-693   

10)Kong CY, Luo YP, Duan TT, Xue Z, Gao XD, Zhao X, Gang G.Potato remorin gene StREMa4 cloning and its spatiotemporal expression pattern under Ralstonia solanacearum and plant hormones treatment.Phytoparasitica, 2016, 44 (4): 575-584   

11)Jiayu Liu JY, Tie HL, Chen HZ, Han R. The distribution of profilin in root-tip cells of wheat seedlings exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation, Frontiers in Life Science, 2016, 9:1, 44-51   

12)Li YF, Gao LM, Han R. A combination of He-Ne laser irradiation and exogenous NO application efficiently protect wheat seedling from oxidative stress caused by elevated UV-B stress. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2016 , 23 (23) :1-8   

13)Li YF, Gao LM, Han R. Endogenous nitric oxide mediates He-Ne laser-induced adaptive responses in salt stressed-tall fescue leaves. Journal of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan, 2016,80(10): 1887-1897   

14)Ma Y. Sphingosine-1-phosphate mediates stomatal closure caused by darkness via inducing nitric oxide synthesis. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2016, 45(5): 1035-1042   

15)Liu L, ChenW, Zheng X, Liu J , Yan DT, Liu Liu X, WangYL. Genetic diversity of Ulmus lamellosa by morphological traits and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers.Biochemical Systematics & Ecology,2016, 66: 272-280   

16)Zhao A, Chen W, Yan DT, Wang YL. The Potential Geographic Analysis and Prediction of Acer tataricum subsp. Ginnala in China. Vegetos, (2016) 29:1. doi: 10.5958/2229-4473.2016.00010.0   

17)Yang C. Histological and morphological observations on tongue of Scincella tsinlingensis (Reptilia, Squamata, Scincidae).Micron, 2016,80(1):24-33   

18)Zhang Z, Zhang M, Yan S, Wang G, Liu Y. A Female-Biased Odorant Receptor fromApolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür) Tuned to Some Plant Odors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 2016 , 17 (8) :1165   

19)Li YF, Gao LM. Establishment of a highly efficient regeneration system for the mature embryo culture of tall fescue. International Journal of Plant Research, 2017 , 30 (1) :1   

20)杨纯, Limin Wang. Larynx-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (LALT) in Young Yak (Bos grunniens). Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 2015, 27 (1): 44-46   

21)高瑞如,杨学军,刘国芳,黄振英,Walck JL. Effects of rainfall pattern on the growth and fecundity of a dominant dune annual in a semi-arid ecosystem. Plant and Soil 2015, 389: 335-347.   

22)高瑞如,杨学军,魏玲玲,黄振英,Walck JL.Aerial and soil seed banks enable populations of an annual species to cope with an unpredictable dune ecosystem. Annals of Botany, 2014, 141:279-287   

23)安建梅,牛晓倩,蒋维. First record and description of male Rhopalione sinensis Markham,1990,from China,with remarks on genus Rhoplione Perez,1920 (Crustacea:Isopoda: Bopyridae). Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology.2014, 32(3):511-514   

24)安建梅,Boyko CB,李新正.中国表对虾鳃虱属的综述并对新纪录种及另外四种进行了描记.Journal of natural history,2014,48(33-34):2027-2048   

25)赵猛,魏朔南,胡正海.通讯漆树乳汁道拟侵填体研究. Pakistan journal of botany,2014,46(3):1039-10451.   

26)王永吉, Jianjian Wang, Liming Lai, Lianhe Jiang, Ping Zhuang, Lehua Zhang, Yuanrun Zheng, Jerry M, Baskin, Carol C. Baskin. Geographic variation in seed traits within and among forty-two species ofRhododendron(Ericaceae) on the Tibetan plateau: relationships with altitude, habitat, plant height and phylogeny.Ecology and Evolution,2014,10:1913-23

27)赵猛,朱洪梅.漆树韧皮部石细胞结构及发育研究. Trees, 2014, 28:1553–1558   

28)安建梅,Christophe,李新正.A new genus and species genus species of parasitic isopod (Isopoda:Bopyridae: Orbioninae) from Chinese waters, with a new locality and host record for Orbione halipori Nierstrasz Brender a Brandis. Systematic parasitology,2013,84(2): 149-156   

29)安建梅,Christophe,李新正.A new species and two new records of Minicopenaeon Bourdon (Crustacea:Isopoda:Bopyridae) from China. Systematic parasitology, 2013,85(3):255-266   

30)安建梅,李新正,John.C. Three isopod parasites(BOPYRIDAE:PSEUDIONINAE),including two new species,of hermit crabs from the south China Sea. The raffles Bulletin of Zoology,2013,61(2):561-569   

31)张秀青,安建梅,李新正.Gladistic analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among genera of family bopyridae (crustacea,isopoda)based on morphological characters.动物分类学报,2013,38(2):207-214   

32)李俊波,Hou Zhong,安建梅.A new cave species of the genus gammarus species (crustacea, amphipoda, gammaridae) from Sichuan,CHINA. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica,2013,38(1): 1-10   

33)杨纯,王建林.Immunohistochemistry and ultrastructure of the Tubal Tonsil in Bactrian Camel. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences,2013,83(5):516–520   

34)杨纯,王建林.Morphological Characterisation of the vestibular folds as larynx-associated lymphoid tissue in the adult bactrian camel(Camelus bactrianus). Journal of camel practice and research,2013,20(1):79-86   

35)安建梅,Christophe,李新正.A review of the genus parapenaeonella (Isopoda:Bopyridae: Oribioninae), with description of new species from chinese waters and synonymy ofParapenaeonella lamellataBourdon. Journal of natural history, 2013, 47: 2633-2648

36)马引利,佘小平,杨淑慎. Cytosolic alkalization-mediated H2O2 and NO production are involved in darkness-induced stomatal closure in Vicia faba. Canadian Journal of Plant Science.2013, 93: 119-130   

37)胡玲玲,Peng SHI. Smallest Bitter Taste Receptor (T2Rs) Gene Repertoire in Carnivores. Zoological Research.2013, 34(3):24575-24581.